The Continuous Education Center

    The Continuous Education Center was founded at University of Fallujah   201. The CEC is home to the process of development and enhancing the quality of education and learning at the university and local public industries. Therefore,

 CEC offers diversified skill development activities, including organizing specialized scientific and cultural seminars, participating in local and international conferences and events, as well as continuous training courses in strategic leadership, academic fields, administrative, legal, financial, technical, linguistic, and medical specialties, as well as courses in teaching methods and educational leadership. In addition, the Center's Translation and Publication Unit seeks to promote academic communication and stimulate research activity at the university by facilitating access to specialized scientific publications. The center is also home community and human development and sustainable renewable energy.

Organizational Structure:

  • Administrative Office
  • Training Office
  • Development Office

CEC Services :

Organize continuous job-promotion-related courses for staff and faculty.

Organize teaching methodology courses for graduate candidates to grant them academic titles.

Hold training courses for graduate students in academic research writing.

Organize courses in Arabic language proficiency for graduate applicants.

Organize seminars and workshops on sustainable development in collaboration with public institutions and NGOs in establishing a sustainable lifestyle.

Conduct campaigns to serve the community and delivering awareness lectures to all community from all walks of life.

Print and distribute UF university professor publications, as well as issuing  a  CEC brochure that showcases scientific and cultural achievements within the center.

Contribute to the university's development plans within the framework of human and sustainable development.


 Website :

 Email :

 Facebook: Continues Education System

 Massive open online course: MOOCs

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