Department of Students Activities


Student activities are a set of university-organized extracurricular programs and events that go hand in hand with the academic program

Department Duties:

  1. Monitor and implement administrative tasks assigned to the department through its specialized offices and administrative units.
  2. Develop and oversee the university annual curriculum for student activities (sports, art, scouting) in line with the MOHESR's curriculum  
  3. Monitor and implement administrative procedures with the college-based student activities sections, public institutions, and with related private organizations.
  4. Oversee the formation and orienting of international delegations within Iraq and abroad (sports, artistic, scouting).
  5. Develop an action plan for various training courses for the university personnel working on student activities.
  6. Evaluate the staff performance in implementing the student activities syllabi.
  7. Evaluate the results of college participation in the annual student activities syllabi.
  8. Seek new funding sources outside the university's budget to support the student activities curriculum.

Offices under the Department:

  • Office Sports Activities
  • Office of Artistic Activities
  • Office Scouting Activities

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